Upon the official launch of its operations on June 26th 2005, Umniah quickly succeeded in making a strong entrance into one of the region’s most highly competitive markets, positioning itself as the most successful operator to enter the Jordanian telecommunications market to date. A driving factor behind Umniah’s success is its sound and calculated business strategies and its provision of a comprehensive range of telecom solutions that include advanced mobile, Internet and business solutions services at competitive prices, balancing quality with value for money. Umniah’s devotion to serving its subscribers, whom are its first priority, has driven it to keep abreast of the latest market developments and changing needs of various consumer segments.

Today Umniah, a subsidiary of Batelco Group, has become Jordan's fastest growing mobile telecom operator with over two million mobile subscribers and over 20,000 broadband subscribers , gaining a significant share of the Jordanian telecom market in record time. Umniah has also been able to expand the Jordanian mobile and Internet market penetration rate through its comprehensive services, supporting the Kingdom’s National Agenda.

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Audio Streaming CMS Custom Web Development Video Streaming